Archive for March, 2010

Today is one of those days that I never wanted to come. But just as written in one bible verse: “Nobody is exempted. We will all hit rapids.”  I know that more people are suffering from a far more serious case than you are in now; but when family is involved, I think there is no such thing as little or less.

I cannot explain further how heavy my heart is; I want to try to search for words but my eyes are starting to get teary.

I know you feel and think double as to how I do now, so if you read this, please know that I am and will always be here for you. You are one person I will constantly love without question.

So don’t lose hope. Don’t doubt. Just go on and keep believing.

We may not always understand God’s ways but we have to always lift everything up to Him, keep our faith and trust wholly.

I know you will stand the test. Heaven knows how good of a person you are. I love you. 

I’ve never been this addicted to a newbie.

But then again I found myself Google-ing, YouTube-ing, Facebook-ing, Twitter-ing, Downloading…


And they’re really good. Talented. Blessed.

I’m pretty sure they’d make it to the top.

I’m such a fan… EZRA Band.


–Video from KayEzraBandFan (YouTube)